Thieves In Florida Provide A Better Customer Experience

An article in this week's Time Magazine describes how thieves are using more sophisticated techniques and technology for identity theft. They steal ATM account numbers and PIN codes, then create new ATM cards and withdraw thousands of dollars from customers' accounts in a short amount of time. Amazing, next-level thievery that we should all be careful to prevent (hint: use one hand to hide the other while entering your PIN).

The thing from this article that stuck with me, though, is that one set of thieves actually included a nice-looking, easy-to-read diagram of instructions for people on how to use their card in that ATM; the author said the bank's original facade didn't include those instructions.

What does it say about that bank's customer focus and experience that a ring of identity thieves provided the bank's customers with better information on how to use the ATM than the bank did?

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