Competitor CX Intelligence

What to Expect from Competitive CX Intelligence

When done properly, intelligently, and with a commitment to improvement, competitor CX intelligence collected through mystery shopping, surveys and benchmarking analysis, provides detailed and actionable insights on your competition. It is a fact-based and 100% unbiased view and is the single best way to understand what they do, how they do it, and how it’s received.

You get a live and “in person” look at the experience that your competition provides their customer.

customer experience and mystery shopping company

Ideas for Customer Experience Improvement

When you see what draws people to your competition, you will learn where you can make improvements.

These questions can all be answered and shown directly to you, allowing you to take what works and make it better.

competitor mystery shopping customer experience evaluations

A Look at the Competitions’ Customer Experience

With mystery shopping evaluators across the United States ready to go, you can see what the competition does well anywhere, anytime, straight from the customer’s perspective.

competitor mystery shopping customer experience intelligence

Intelligence at Your Fingertips

With a field network of over 800,000 certified mystery shopping evaluators at your disposal, we can send evaluators in to investigate, record and report back. All of this is available in real-time through our software dashboard.

loss prevention solutions to improve customer experience

Get a Plan to Improve Your Customers’ Experience

Have a real and effective plan of action created for you based on your unique needs and capabilities.

800 Commercial Drivers Share Their Opinion

Pilot Flying J LLC, the largest operator of travel centers and travel plazas in North America, needed to gain an understanding of the customer expectations of professional commercial drivers. Before engaging, Pilot Flying J was losing market share to their competition with professional drivers. See how they turned it insights into action including:


Investment in Facilities


In Driver Loyalty Signup


In Travel Center Fuel Sales

Download This Case Study
customer experience mystery shopping case study

The entire team has been great to work with!


IntelliShop is great at helping us adjust along the way. They have been super helpful. It has been such a huge help, and will only continue to get better. The amount of time the program has saved us has been unfathomable.


IntelliShop offers the most reliable and highly detailed shoppers in the industry. Their attention to detail and timely execution of projects is why we’ve been working with them for over 12 years and the reason they are our trusted partner.

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